Friday, January 21, 2011

Okay, I'm writing this stuff down.

Friends have been telling me for years that I should be blogging about the various disappointing, bizarre and sometimes totally unbelievable experiences I've had with job hunting, job interviews and jobs themselves.  I was originally going to call this blog "So Sad I Laugh", but I decided to go with a trusty analogy, one which many other people use for various situations: The Twilight Zone.  You're on Earth, going about your normal business and activities, and yet...something  This can be said of many things in life, but the job hunting/interview/job experience, especially increasingly so over the past few years, mostly feels very,  By off I mean: Things are not functioning in a logical, honest and down to earth way.  They are functioning (?) in a mostly (and increasingly so) illogical and inhumane way.  Communication (both written and in person) seems to be breaking down more and more.  Yep, I definitely think it's because of technology.  We're not naive to this.  My cover letter is expected to be in perfect grammar, written with compelling yet straightforward language, clear, professional, and perhaps even with some charm, tailored to respond to each specific job ad, each specific company or individual.  This is expected and I think that is perfectly right.  It should be expected.  However, when the response is often an email from a recruiter or employer, written in incomplete sentences, with no capitalization, and even misspelling my name...Well, it's frustrating, angering, disenchanting and discouraging to say the least.  This blog is a collection of such experiences, every strange, frustrating, angering, bizarre, etc. job-related experience I can remember, going years back.  I should have started writing this blog a long time ago, but here it goes...

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